This section gathers a selection of news on the updates of our digital products’ content as well as functionality, ordered by date. You can also find information regarding our new features, product inaugurations, and other reports of interest about Océano Digital.
Publication of Cirugía bucal
Cirugía bucal is the newest addition to the 26 other medical references prepared by Ergon publishing for Océano Medicina y Salud (See July 9, 2006 news). Included are 450 complete articles and 1,000 color illustrations from orthodontology and orthodontia.
Publication of Primaria Activa España
Primaria Activa, Enciclopedia Escolar España is the latest in encyclopedias intended for students and incorporated in Océano Escolar. Subject matters such as writing and science are included in 1,600 articles with specific features in literature, history, geography, social sciences, etc. from each of the 16 countries that take part in this project:
Informative Sessions on the Océano Products for the Generalitat de Catalunya Libraries
During the first four months of 2007 Océano Digital will host informative sessions on the Océano products for the library personnel at Generalitat de Catalunya in the provinces of Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. At these sessions, librarians will learn about all the on-line resources available to them.
If you library is part of the Generalitat de Catalunya network, contact Océano Digital:
The Department of Culture Contracts Océano Medicina y Salud for the Public Libraries throughout Spain
The Department of Culture signed a contract to provide access to Océano Medicina y Salud at all public libraries in Spain throughout 2007. Océano Medicina y Salud is intended for students in the health sciences and medical professionals. This is the second contract signed for an on-line access product by the Department of Culture, which wants to facilitate access to trustworthy information throughout the country.
Video Sequencing Incorporated in the Digital Products
Océano Digital has enhanced their Océano products, Ciberenciclopedia plus and Enciclomex, with video sequencing. In its first circulation, Océano Digital placed 21 significant moments of the 20th century available. Users can view the first moon landing, a portion of a speech by John F. Kennedy, or fragments of movies such as The Golden Chimeraor The Third Man, to mention a few.
New Journals of the IDE. Escuela de Dirección de Empresas de Ecuador
Two new periodicals on the subject of economics, direction, and administration of corporations will be incorporated into the Oceano Digital database. Perspectiva and Economia Digital are the two publications by IDE. Escuela de Dirección de Empresas de Ecuador that will appear as part of Océano Superior and Océano Administración de empresas.
Update to the Océano Timelines
The Océano timelines will be updated regularly, and will be available to use with all the digital products. A record of the most significant moments in history, science and literature will be published in specific sections and can be integrated in the general searches. Currently, the timelines can be accessed on Océano Colegial, Superior, Escolar and Consulta, as well as Enciclomex and Ciberenciclopedia plus.
Update to the Journals DOYMA Farmacia profesional and FMC formación médica
Océano Medicina y Salud is updating its database of the journals DOYMA. At this time they are working on Farmacia profesional (from volume 20, number 7 to 7/2006) and FMC formación médica (from volume 13, number 7 to 8/2006). Easy access is available to a complete selection of articles published between 1998 and 2006 in any of the 18 DOYMA publications:
Publication of Invertir en China and Comercio exterior, from ICEX
Océano Administración de empresa will now publish the latest versions of the business guides Invertir en China and Comercio exterior y ayuda humanitaria. This will be the 19th business guide available from the Spanish Institute of Commerce, among them the business guides from the United States of America, Philippines, Hungary, India, Japan, Morocco, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Thailand, Brazil, Taiwan, Chile, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Indonesia, and China.
Updates to the Magazine PC World, España
Update to number 232 of the magazine PC World. Two publications by the Spanish group IDG Communications, S.A. – Iworld and PC World – are regularly included in the Océano article database.
New home for Océano Superior with Rotating Articles
Océano Superior’ homepage is now a dynamic webpage. Daily rotation will present articles, biographies and images on a chosen topic that changes in the publication. To date, new topics are presented on Océano Colegial’s homepage.
New Journal Comercio Exterior, Bolivia
Publication will begin for a new journal, Comercio Exterior, from IBCE (Institute of Bolivian Commerce) in Océano Superior and Océano Administración de empresa.
Update to the Journal ECA, from UCA Editores
Updates to number 688-9 of the journal ECA, from UCA Editores, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, in El Salvador. There are three publications from this institute that have been regularly published in Océano from 1997 to 2006: Realidad, Teología,and ECA, Estudios centroamericanos.
New Journals: Revista Competencia and La Factoría
Publication will begin in the databases of Océano Empresa, Océano Superior, and Océano Colegial of two journals: The first isLa Factoría,, Spain, which is headed by Carles Navales and characterizes itself as “instrumento de diálogo entre quienes creen en la política como creación y debate de las ideas” (“an instrument of dialogue between those who believe in politics as a creative process and the debate of ideas”). Specialists in the realm of politics and international thinkers collaborate to the journal. The second journal is Competencia. Revista Latina de Negocios,, from Image Consulting, S.A. in Argentina. This journal has articles on the latest news and economic considerations from Latin America and the world.
Publication of Ortodoncia interdisciplinar
This work will add to the other 25 medical references with which the specialized editorial company Ergon participates in the Océano Medicina y Salud product:
Océano Medicina y Salud addionally incporporates 11 other titles of medical periodical publications by the editorial company Ergon.
Update to América Económica
Regular updates of the journal América Económica,, from Asesores de Publicaciones, a Spanish independent publishing group specialized in economic and financial information. The database incorporated into Océano Administración de empresas covers from number 220 (2003) until number 375 (06/2006).
New Dynamic Section on Literary Classics, with Distinguished Authors
Among the improvements in utility of the Océano line of products, a new way to access the works contained in the section of literary classics in Océano Colegial has been developed. This includes a more dynamic presentation of the section, which allows regularly emphasizing and recommending authors.
Publication of Interactive Maps of the United States of America
Publication of maps of the United States for products regardless of their platform type will be available for Océano Colegial, Superior, Escolar, Consulta, and Enciclomex and Ciberenciclopedia plus. These state maps will have interactive functions for the best visualization and navigation through them. Also included are general dates of the state and options to click for more information on cities and places.
Publication of Embarazo y parto natural and Yoga y embarazo
Océano Salus includes interesting articles about health, personal care, and alternative medicine with titles such as The First Year of my Baby, Alternative Medicine Dictionary, Masages for You and Your Baby, Family Medicine, Great Book of Health,… and now Embarazo y parto natural (Pregnancy and natural childbirth) and Yoga y embarazo (Yoga and Pregnancy). Several of these titles are also included in the database Océano Medicina y Salud.
Update to the ERGON Journals Pediatria integral and Cirugía Pediátrica
Continuation of the regular publication of the ERGON medical journal, Pediatria integral (Volume 10, Supplement 1 to 3/2006) and Cirugía Pediátrica (Volume 19, Number 2 to 4/2006). There are 11 titles of periodicals from the publishing company ERGON that are incorporated in Océano Medicina y Salud, in addition to 25 works of reference. The following ERGON journal titles are available in the database from 2003-2006:
New Webpage for the Anatomy Atlas
Development of a new webpage for the Anatomy atlas for Océano Colegial has added an interactive feature that allows the user to visualize the different functions of the systems in the human body. It also permits access to searches, navigation, and category consultations in the section.
New subhome for Biographies
Within the measures to improve the utility of Océano, enhanced access to the biographies in Océano Colegial has been developed, including simplified search for individuals and access to extended searches of the biographies. A more dynamic interface has also been added to this section, which mentions 7 distinguished individuals that are updated on a regular basis.