
What is Océano Salus?

In Océano Salus you will find the right answer to your inquiries in areas such as Health, Nutrition and Education. Over 10,000 accurate articles advise you of the secrets of a well balanced life. Exact reference medical information and comprehensive educational and preventive contents have been integrated, so Océano Salus provides the right answer in all matters and for different levels, easily.

What can I find in Océano Salus?

Over 10,000 articles and 7,000 illustrations in Spanish about Education, Nutrition and Health Care, besides some complete dictionaries on Medicine and Psychology. Océano Salus boasts a broad database with a variety of resources. The combination of these various documents gives us a complete picture of all topics of interest in your Life and Health Care.. Each article has been checked and indexed by the Océano editorial team to ensure that each search gives you the most relevant results, in some easy useful ways.

  • Reference Articles on Medicine, Nutrition, Health Care and Alternative Medicine. A selection of encyclopedias which come from Océano's own sources, as well as from other specialized publishers.
  • Training manuals. Texts for instruction covering all stages of Life that come from Health Schools and specialist publishers.
  • Specialized periodicals.A selection of journals and specialized periodicals which provide the latest information on Medicine and Health Care.
  • Nursing protocols. This includes, among other things, all nursing diagnoses approved by NANDA, besides tables of the most useful contents.
  • Health Education. 1,900 Articles integrate the most interesting guide to the top topics.
  • Anatomical atlases. Over 300 diagrams of the whole human body which offer a detailed picture at different levels.
  • Medical dictionaries. The combination of a medical dictionary, a dictionary of psychology, a dictionary of alternative medicine, and a multilingual dictionary of medical science cover 33,000 definitions of medical terms.
  • Selected Links, structured in Medical Specialties.

What kinds of searches can I do on Océano Salus?

In order to make Océano Salus a useful tool for everybody, both efficient and precise, the editorial team in charge of this have completed an exhaustive analysis and manual highlighting of all the documents.You can use a general but efficient:

  • Simple Search

Or use specific patterns and categories in the following sections:

  • Advanced Search
  • Subject Search
  • Patient Information
  • Protocols
  • Anatomical Atlas
  • Dictionaries
  • Hyperlinks

How can I gain access to Océano Salus?

There are two ways to access Océano Salus:

1. Through your library or portal on the Internet, this will give you direct access to the product. To do this you will have to identify your network through your public IPs.

2. Through a password which will allow you access directly from this page.

Océano Salus is a fee-paying product. It is aimed primarily at users who gain access in public libraries, universities, schools and other institutions.

If you are interested in receiving more information, or you would like to evaluate the product, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected], specifying your name and the country from which you require access.

© Editorial Océano 2013. All rights reserved.