What is Océano Administración?
Océano Administración is a web-based resource centre with content specifically designed for economics and business management. It is particularly designed for economics students, business management students, students at business schools as well as businesspeople. It is a learning support tool which also incorporates information on macro and micro economics from a variety of countries, with the emphasis on Spanish-speaking countries.
What can I find in Océano Administración?
Over 20,000 articles of economics and business management in Spanish. Océano Administración uses a broad database with a variety of different resources. The combination of these different sources of information offers a complete picture of the business world from a theoretical as well as a practical point of view. Every article has been checked and indexed by the Océano editorial team to ensure that each search comes up with the most relevant information.
Reference material. A selection of encyclopaedias brings the most classic and well-established kind of information. They come from our Océano’s own sources, as well as from other publishers and business schools and together make up a solid base of information.
Articles. Documents written by experts in different fields bring their personal point of view, new concepts which do not always establish themselves and become classics.
Specialized periodicals. A selection of magazines and specialist journals bring us the reality of business today in the Spanish-speaking world, as well as new trends in business management.
Economic Indicators. A selection of statistical data from over 100 countries provides the necessary backdrop to enable us to analyse concepts explained in other documents, the emphasis is on Spanish-speaking countries.
An administration and finance dictionary and an English-Spanish dictionary.
What kinds of searches can I do on Océano Administración?
In order to make Océano Administración a useful tool for everybody, both efficient and precise, the editorial team in charge of this have completed an exhaustive analysis and manual highlighting of all the documents.
Océano Administración offers the user a variety of search options:
- Simple Search
- Advanced Search
- Subject Search
- Indicators
- How to...
- Dictionaries
How can I gain access to Océano Administración?
There are two ways to access Océano Administración:
1. Through your library or portal on the Internet, this will give you direct access to the product. To do this you will have to identify your network through your public IPs.
2. Through a password which will allow you access directly from this page.
Océano Administración is a fee-paying product. It is aimed primarily at users who gain access in public libraries, universities, schools and other institutions.
If you are interested in receiving more information, or you would like to evaluate the product, please contact us by sending an e-mail to [email protected], specifying your name and the country from which you require access.